How do I download the modules for the New Healers Core Principles Program?

How do I download the modules for the New Healers Core Principles Program?

To download the video for a module:

Click on the link on the left side bar for the module you want to download.

For PC Users:

Mouse over the word DOWNLOAD in the lower left corner. Right click and select "Save As" or "Save Target As" and select the destination you want to save it on your computer. Remember where you save the file!

For Mac Users:

Mouse over the word DOWNLOAD in the lower left corner. Hold down the CONTROL button and click on the link at the same time. Choose "Save Link As" or "Download Linked File". Remember where you saved the file.

For Action Guides, click the save icon in the upper left corner right above the document.

Still having trouble?

  • Try clearing your cache and/or delete your browsing history
  • Make sure your using the latest version of a recommended browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer or Edge.
  • Check to ensure you do not have any firewalls enabled that prevent images and/or files form loading.